Course Summary:
Defensive Shotgun Training Level: Beginner Course Length: 8 Hours Cost: $249 Classes run from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Gun, Ammo & Gear Rentals Available
Course covers:
- Shotgun setup and admin (cruiser ready, cruiser safe)
- Tactical accessories and upgrades
- Live fire close quarter skill building
- Rapid movement, and threat engagement drills
- Malfunction clearing/ reloading in close quarters (combat load, speed load)
- Shell change over and payload options
- Managing multiple threats in close proximity
- Moving through structures/ piing corners
Please Bring;
Pump or Semi-auto shotgun & 200 Rounds target loads and 50 rounds of slugs
Side saddle and pistol grip will be a plus but not mandatory.
Pioneer Sportsmen, Inc 1046 Clinton Street Dunbarton, NH
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